Sunday, August 31, 2008


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sunrise happened here


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continued from here

Enfin j'ai pas pris le vélo, but went out anyway. Can you imagine? Being too early for the sunrise? Definitely need to take the bicycle next time and go across the hill.

Took some nice pictures anyway, need to find a calendar that tells me when the sun rises.

Je pense que je ne peux plus attendre l'arrivée d'automne, when the sun rises above the canal with the mist still hovering above the water. This year I'll make sure to be ready et ne laisserais plus la caméra à la maison

Et voilà:

all pics copyright by me

one of those nights

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one of those nights. constant thinking, none of it really important, but still having this feeling of bearing the heavy weight of the world on my shoulders.
then this unusual traffic, throughout the entire night - at least that's my impression, but whenever I was awake there was the sound of cars and bikes. and that in the deepest province.
about 5am I heard these "thumping" sounds, I soon realized what it was - loud and heavy techno music. at 5am on a sunday morning? what idiot?
even the sun is still down....well....i definitely should take the bicylcle and the camera and find a nice spot...i'm already up, on a sunday morning, so better do something with it....i'll keep you posted

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Subtext - CSI Las Vegas, RTL (Germany), last Thursday

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For interested international readers, the episode in question was: s01e13 Table Stakes.

Until last Thursday I had always wondered why there's so much fan fiction (f/, to be precise) for Catherine/Sara. Ok I admit, I was probably biased, I never liked the character Catherine Willows very much, but I'm fair and admit that her hair has gotten much better lately, with the occasional lapse ;-)
But what was that? Catherine calling Sara (on her day off) and asking her in a very low, deep voice “Did I wake you?” the “honey” was right there, on the tip of her tongue, wasn’t it?

Reruns are finished for now and we’ll finally have the chance to watch last year’s season 8, though they need to start with the episodes of season 7. Well, my recorder will be very busy the next weeks…

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Das Duo - Verkauft und Verraten, ZDF, am 16.08.2008

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Was ist nur mit dieser Serie passiert? Früher habe ich mich auf jede Folge gefreut, aber in letzter Zeit? Ich weiss einfach nicht.
Dieser Nebenplot mit den Wechseljahren? Sehr klischeehaft und typisch mann "ich versteh die Frauen nicht".
Dann der Fall, bzw. dessen Auflösung, viel ungeschickter konnte man das Thema Homosexualität und Nationalsozialisten nicht anpacken. Warum endet es im deutschen TV immer auf die gleiche Art? Die Homosexuellen sind Täter, manchmal auch Opfer und überleben das Ende meistens nicht und wenn doch, dann wartet am Ende das Gefängnis.

Nun immerhin hat Corinna Harfouch klasse gespielt.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Amy Ray - Didn't it feel kinder

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Amy Ray of Indigo Girls released a new solo album (August 5th, 2008). Stag didn’t manage to become one of my favorites, but “Didn’t it feel kinder” is completely different. She tried some new things with her voice, the songs are various but it still comes along as a complete album.

My favorites are “Stand and Deliver” and the alternate version of “She’s got to be”. Fortunately it’s impossible to wear out digital music ;-)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sharleen Spiteri releases Solo Album

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Memories of the "I don't want a lover" video are still very clear ;-) Sharleen Spiteri was just....ah....(off dreaming). I always liked her voice very much, it has something special which makes you recognize it no matter what she's singing.
I saw her and Texas once live in Paris at the Zenith (not that certain concert from which the DVD was made) and was even more hooked.
So when I learned that she was releasing a solo album, I had to have it - immediately. Thank you, itunes. Go see and hear for yourself on her myspace-page.


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