Sunday, June 21, 2009

sunday morning musings

Ever since I "moved out", Sunday mornings have been my favorite part of the week. As soon as my presence was not required anymore at the family breakfast table, I became an early riser. I don't do much; it's my personal version of celebrating slowness, my own slowup which only requires me getting up.

When I was living in apartment, I took a book and my walkman (you know the thing you needed before mp3) with me and headed out to a park.

Nowadays, whenever weather permits, I take my cup of coffee and go out onto the terrace. This morning though with only 13 C° (55 F°), which is way too cold for June, I'll prefer to have my coffee inside and watch the Sunday morning rerun of my favorite talk show with my favorite talk show host.

Then I'll be probably awake enough to start research for a new NAS; the old one crashed yesterday, but at least I was able to recover all the data on the disk.

Cu l8er

1 Kommentare:

Natazzz on June 21, 2009 at 8:47 PM said...

For a long long time my Sundays were for sleeping late, either because of too much drinking the night before or out of pure laziness.

And with sleeping late I mean I missed half of the day sometimes.

These days I seem to prefer to actually get up at a decent time and do stuff...


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